Meeting of minds

Axione, a pioneer in regional digital development, has acquired Lumi THD, a creator of innovative solutions in superfast networks.

What is Lumi THD?

The company was created in 2014 and aims to make use of modern technologies to automate and mechanise both the design and management of fibre optic networks. Its objective is therefore to provide an effective and ergonomic solution to its clients.

As the publisher of an SaaS-model software solution, Lumi THD provides its construction company and engineering consultancy clients with the tools and support necessary to carry out FTTH studies. Lumi THD also carries out turnkey studies (engineering plans, preliminary design, tender design, etc.).

Lumi THD’s added value stems from its expertise in complex optimisation and modelling algorithms, data processing, and artificial intelligence.

Why did Axione wish to acquire this company?

The acquisition of Lumi THD makes it possible for Axione to fulfil several of its ambitions.

By making full use of their specific area of expertise, Axione will be able to enhance its processes and fibre network design tools, therefore increasing productivity.

Furthermore, Axione also wishes to support Lumi THD in developing new functionalities and services that are valuable to all fibre stakeholders.

This collaboration fits logically into Axione’s business plan and substantiates its commitment to providing innovative solutions for regional digital development.

What will be the real-world changes?

Lumi THD will still be an independent company from a management perspective, and will keep its name and identity. So the teams will remain in the same workplace and keep their usual routines. We are working on joint projects in the field of automatic preliminary and tender design generation and in the calculation of aboveground support loads, for example, which will inevitably lead to interaction and exchange between the different teams.

How is Lumi organised?

Lumi THD currently has 18 employees spread between our Paris and Bordeaux offices. We are split into two teams. One is focused on our clients and dedicated to business aspects. This is managed by Geoffroy Le Picard. The second is a technical team, which is itself organised into two centres of expertise: the first is focused on algorithms and carries out and controls studies, while the second is in charge of client interfaces, systems administration, and load calculations.

Why choose to join Axione?

We are at a key stage in our development and have gained a certain amount of experience and a certain maturity in design. Now we’re ready for the next step, namely international growth and the challenges related to operational activities. To approach these subjects, having the support of a group like Axione represents a real opportunity for growth, and will allow us to take that next step with ease and vigour. In short, both our objectives and our roadmap are fully aligned with Axione’s ambitions.

And a closing statement?

We are really happy about this change at Lumi HD, it’s a new step that benefits us all. Our first talks went very smoothly, and the objectives are clear and precise. We can already feel the value we’ll create together. All in all, we’re delighted!